Shuyi WU in Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience

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Shaanxi Normal University
B.Sc. Psychology
My thesis is about object-based attention.

South China Normal University
M.Sc. Psychology/cognitive Neuroscience
Thesis: The impact of unavailable options: neural mechanisms underlying phantom decoy effects.

University of Cambridge
Visiting Researcher/Student Program (Psychology)
Proj: Cerebral blood flow predicts multiple demand network activity and fluid intelligence across the adult lifespan
Worked with Prof. Lorraine Tyler, Prof. Richard Henson, Prof. James Rowe, and Dr. Kamen Tsvetanov on the Cam-CAN dataset.


GLM analysis using SPM and nilearn, functional connectivity analysis using PPI and DCM
Meta-analysis using Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE), Seed-based d Mapping (SDM), and meta-analytic functional connectivity analysis, including Activation network mapping (ANM)
Resting state analysis: Regional Homogeneity, Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations (ALFF)
Eye tracking using Eyelink
EEG data collection, preprocessing and ERP analyses (with ERPLAB/ERP toolbox and mne-python)
Programming: MATLAB, Python (incl. PsychoPy), E-prime
Statistics: R (incl. meta-analysis), SPSS, Mplus
Linguistics Tools: NLTK, Praat

Professional qualifications

Psychological Counselor Level 3 (Certificate No.1626000008302530)
Mental health education in elementary and secondary school (B level, Certificate No. 202002020848)


Mandarin Chinese (native), English, Cantonese(native), Hakka(native)